Saturday 17 August 2013

Love or Happiness?

Is it love or happiness I experience with riding anywhere?  I’ve realized true fun with my  
stylish, colourful and intuitive-to-operate Pedago Comfort Cruiser.  This bike is great
before it’s even plugged in and accelerates the gift of ease when turned into the electric
like it loves to be. Delight becomes commitment, as I sit high and comfortable with my
right hand on the throttle.  Hills are erased and I can travel so many more places in the
great outdoors with ease. The combination of pedalling and electrics reminds me of
choosing between floating and swimming.

This enhanced dream state includes a smile from ear to ear even when I’m miles from home and know I can easily get back from anywhere I would care to go.  I plug in the bike at the end of the day and 4 hours later it’s ready to go, costing about 10 cents and the charge lasts for days.  My ability to run wild is literally at my finger tips.

I’ve never been a long distance biker but like riding my bike more than driving a car.  My legs feel great even travelling 5 km with that sweet interaction of energy, exercise and electrically assisted power. I’m guided by choice to power up or down as I please and as my route dictates.

I look forward to the expansion of the shoulders on all roads to gain safety for all travellers and note that Revelstoke, Ucluelet, Tofino, Banff and many towns and cities through B.C. are making biking more accessible. Send A/C Logic any information about your favourite bike ride and we will put it on our map of B.C.  Please provide us with
length, season, style recommended and pictures.  Nothing like a “ride anywhere” smile to brighten up the day!

Happy Trails!  Love or happiness it is all good!

1 comment:

  1. The A/C Logic Shop on Cliffe and 6th in Courtenay will celebrate 5 years in business August 24th 2013. We will provide a crab and shrimp with salad lunch for our customers and guests with Granville Airton playing music. Show up at 1 - 4 and meet some others who ride anywhere on their electric/ pedal bikes.
